Take a look at our first No Barriers Here© community creative advance care plan. Participants kindly allowed a piece of their art from workshops to be included in our community masterpiece. Pieced together by Clover Leaf Community Group the quilt shows what matters to people at the end of life, what is important to them and their choices and wishes.
We plan to share the quilt at conferences, meetings and community venues over the coming months but first we enjoyed a celebration event at Dudley Voices for Choice to show people who had taken part in the project what they had created. During the event we previewed the film and discussed the project and why people felt it was important to take part. Thank you to everyone who has been involved in this project, we never fully appreciated the impact it would make back when writing the initial funding bid.
“Beautiful because it is courageous. And beautiful because it is woven with truth. And beautiful just because it exists.”